Apartment for Renting

A kitchen without tiles - just glass fiber wallpaper with washable paint

This is an apartament that a foreign couple asked me to furnish for renting. It was bought before the construction and we found that there were a lot of details to be finished off before beginning the real interior design, including floor levelling, replastering of walls and ceilings, changing electricity, piping, etc. 
So I did this with the help of a construction company that I usually work with and then suggested my designer solutions to the owners. We had to coordinate all the work mostly by mails. Since they considered that the renters will probably bring their own furniture, I was asked to design only the kitchen, bathroooms, wallk-in dressing room and a small wet-room; as well as all the flooring, painting, wallpapers, lighting, curtains and wardrobes in the bedrooms.

Почти готова лява страна на кухнята

Glass-fiber wallpaper in the kitchen and adjacent dining room.

The main bathroom

and a smaller second bathroom - almost finished. Cupboards hiding boiler and cosmetics are my design.

The entrance hall - tiles at the door, continuing in the walk-in wardrobe to the left, and wooden floor allover except in the kitchen, bathrooms and wet-room.

Това е коридорът - плочки гранитогрес на входа до нивото на вратата за дрешника вляво и дъбов паркет по-нататък в цялото жилище.

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